23 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

RicanAdFunds Güncelleme Sürecinde

Arkadaslar ricanadfunds 3 gündür bakım sürecinde, site admininin yaptığı açıklamaya göre site güvenlik problemlerini çözmek için 26 Şubat salı gününe kadar kapalı kalacak, bu süre içindeki kazançlar hesaba yatacak. 

Site Security & Code Encryption written by Russell ISMmagic, February 22, 2013
We appreciate that member's are keen for the site to be up again, but are aware of a previous security issue that has recurred.
For the benefit of all we are assessing various encryption options and the site will remain down until all the code is encrypted.

This may take until Tuesday 26th February.

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